Partnership Conserves 318 Acres in Dorchester County

Annapolis, MD – Today, 马里兰州自然资源部和美国海军与大自然保护协会(TNC)合作,, The Conservation Fund (TCF), 十大赌博正规老平台协会宣布成功保护马里兰州东海岸南提科克农村遗产区318英亩土地. 从土地拥有人处取得保育地役权, the Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area now contains over 24,000 acres of preserved land.

大自然保护协会(TNC)和自然保育基金(TCF)作为南焦乡村遗产区的联合发起人, located in Dorchester County, 与土地所有者谈判,并将Eberspacher土地提交给马里兰州自然资源部(DNR)农村遗产项目.S. Navy for acquisition of a conservation easement on the property. 购买Eberspacher保护区地役权的资金是由马里兰州的农村遗产计划提供的, the U.S. 美国国防部的战备和环境保护整合(REPI)计划.S. Navy, 由十大赌博正规老平台协会(Chesapeake Conservancy)从Mt. Cuba Center.

Photo by The Nature Conservancy

保护地役权保护了318英亩土地,其中包括167英亩的优质农业用地和108英亩的林地, 其中有42英亩的非潮汐湿地以及沿1,米德尔敦支流上400英尺长的河岸缓冲带,允许湿地迁移和适应. Overall, this easement provides 112 acres of biodiversity conservation. 受地役权保护的土地也位于国家指定的南焦河流域目标生态区域和绿色基础设施中心内.

TNC于2002年编制并完成了“切萨皮克湾低地”生态评估. This acquisition is located within TNC’s Nanticoke River Conservation Area, and is part of their Ecoregional Portfolio identified by that assessment. 跨国公司还在2000年完成了南提科克河的“养护行动计划”,这次取得地役权也实现了该行动计划的目标.

The property is also beneath U.S. Navy airspace, 它的保护将限制可能与大西洋测试靶场和帕塔克森特河海军航空站的飞机测试任务不相容的发展.

“所有海军飞机都在帕塔克森特河海军航空站和周围的ATR空域进行测试, making it vital to military readiness. 国防部REPI项目为各军种提供资金,以分担从愿意出售土地的人手中获得地役权或其他土地权益的成本,以保持相容的土地使用. 它是打击可能限制或限制军事训练的侵犯的关键工具, testing, and operations. By preserving open space, the U.S. 海军确保飞行行动不受干扰,我们可以继续履行我们的使命. 我们感谢Eberspacher家族和项目合作伙伴通过土地保护来支持国防,” said Captain John Brabazon, NAS Patuxent River Commanding Officer.

“这个项目展示了我们与当地和联邦合作伙伴合作的成功,为子孙后代保护和维护了我们州的乡村特色和工作景观,马里兰州自然资源部部长珍妮·哈达维-里奇奥说. “这在很大程度上要归功于霍根州长在土地保护和保护项目方面的领导. With more than $75 million approved by the Board of Public Works, we have protected more than 27,000 acres during his administration.”

Photo by The Nature Conservancy

“Eberspacher地产是一个由农田组成的多样化景观, forest, 湿地支持许多本地物种,这将为未来重要的沼泽栖息地提供迁移空间,” said Elizabeth Carter, land protection director for The Nature Conservancy in Maryland. “The project is a great example of how collaboration between federal, state, nonprofit, 和私人合作伙伴可以在南焦流域实现景观规模的保护成功. 我们真的很幸运,有这么多伟大的合作伙伴为保护马里兰州东海岸这个独特而重要的地方的共同目标而努力.”

“没有合作伙伴的奉献,这样伟大的保护工作就不会发生, both government and nonprofit,” said Bill Crouch, Maryland director at The Conservation Fund. “We’d especially like to thank U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen and U.S. 众议员安迪·哈里斯(Andy Harris)感谢他们对REPI项目的支持.S. Congress. Eberspacher项目将为南特科克河社区带来的生态和经济效益将为子孙后代所享受.”

“Today we are celebrating a major conservation success story, 这要归功于政府机构和非营利组织之间强有力的合作关系, and landowners who are caring stewards of the environment,” said Joel Dunn, Chesapeake Conservancy’s president and CEO. “Once again, Mt. 古巴中心在那里帮助我们保护另一个高优先级的保护项目,这将有助于改善水质, habitat for wildlife and native plants, and our way of life for future generations.”

“Mt. Cuba Center is pleased to support this critical conservation project. 这片土地上的森林为多种植物和野生动物提供了栖息地,包括候鸟和猛禽的繁殖和中途停留栖息地,” said Ann Rose, Mt. Cuba Center’s president.